Wednesday, March 7, 2012

It's Hump Day!

Well--I did take a little break...I didn't work on anything Monday night :)  But then I just couldn't help myself and had to go back to it on Tuesday. (Monday night was devoted to watching The Walking Dead and Alcatraz) hehe :)

I worked on my polka dot squares a little and worked a little more on the embroidery on my quilt. I continued work on the "scales" of the koi...that's what it is, by the way, a koi pond. I don't think I've been that specific about it before! So here's a peek at the scales...

he has eyes too! :) 
I'm pleased with how the scales are coming along, but it's slow work. I'm using regular embroidery floss (DMC cotton, size 25) for the scales (two strands) and it's much easier on the fingers--smaller needle and not as much brute force required to get through the fabric. The eyes are also regular floss. The white stripe (I'm not sure of what that is actually called on a real koi) is DMC Pearl cotton, size 5 (as are the veins on the lily pad).

I'm not sure how I'll work the fins and tail yet. I'm thinking I'm going to have to look at many more pictures of real koi to see what might look the best. 

I can't wait to see what it looks like when I get all the embroidery finished! I have an idea of what I'll do for the backing, but I still have no idea about the binding. So if any quilters out there are reading this and have any ideas about a good binding--PLEASE leave a comment with your suggestion! I'd really appreciate it. I know I haven't posted a picture of the whole thing yet, but the blue is the entire background, and the only other colors are the orange of the koi and the green of the lily pad.

Even if you're not a quilter, I'd still love some comments and feedback! Let me hear from you!

She selects wool and flax 
and works with eager hands.
Proverbs 31:13 

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