Friday, September 28, 2012

Hey, Jude. Don't Make It Bad

So my good boy Jude is quite the character. The other day he brought me a present. Inside the house. And beheaded and disemboweled it. In my dining room. Feathers EV.RY.WHERE. (and yes, I meant to leave the other E out). But I still love him.

So tonight he decided he'd climb into the Target cold bag. I couldn't resist the photo op.

luckily there were no claws involved...

you can't see me!

darn! she found me.
After I took that last pic, he crawled back in and wiggled around until there were no chinks in his "curtain." Then he proceeded to flop around some until he finally got comfortable (I suppose) and was still for a while.  Isn't he so pretty?!?

Now for non-cat business.

T-minus ONE WEEK until my first "I've-entered-a-quilt" quilt show!!  I'm so excited!! Monday at lunch I'll deliver my quilt, and Wednesday after work I'm going back to help hang the quilts for the show. A sneak peek of all the beautiful quilts *woohoo*!!  Can't wait!

Hopefully I'll have some more projects to show on here before long. I've got two quilts needing to be quilted--they're SUPPOSED to be Christmas gifts for my nieces. SHHHH!! Don't tell!

Thanks for stopping by!

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