Sunday, June 17, 2012

3 Cheers for Indoor Plumbing!!

I'm back to the 21st century! My toilet is back where it belongs, and my bathroom is (mostly) finished. I have a light fixture in the sink, but who's to say that's not normal in some parts?

The floor is river rock on 3'x3' mesh backing. It was frustrating for Nan to lay it because it was sooo flexible--it kept curling under on two sides when he would go to lay it, ending up in the mortar.

I also now have flooring in my room *grin* Unfortunately, my wonderful brother-in-law is going to be in Oxford at work all week, so this is where the flooring will end for now. But since I still have painting to do, I guess that will be ok. By the time he gets back, it should all be ready for floor!

But other than that, I am POOPED!! Worked Saturday in the house for 10 hours straight with only a 15 minute lunch break. And since I was only cutting-in in the hallway, I feel like I got nothing done...However, I did paint my closet and swept and shop-vacced the craft room and down the hallway.

Here's the craft room. See--the begonia isn't quite so begonia now that the tiki hut is on the wall! Can't wait until I have money to buy the chair rail!! Hahaha --it'll be great then *grin* (and when I can get rid of the ugly pink fan!!)

And now for my favorite part--MY ROOM!! The floor looks fabulous with the green paint...koi pond--that's the name of it. Nan has done a really, really good job on the floor so far. I can't wait until the whole house is done!

Isn't it gorgeous? I love it! And you can see the $16 light fixture I got--it's not what will be there permanently, but it's better than wires hanging out of the ceiling!

Thanks for stopping by! Come back soon...hopefully I'll have more updates on the house soon!


  1. The begonia tiki hut is still rockin the pink hgtv ceiling fan :-)

    1. yes. yes it is. hopefully it will be gone before too long though. just gotta get some more money :)

  2. Everything looks beautiful!
