Saturday, May 4, 2013

My Guest-Post on The Cookie Puzzle

Well it's been a while hasn't it?!? I've honestly not been working on anything since Christmas--except for the embroidery I did for Autism Awareness Month (April) for a guest-post spot on The Cookie Puzzle.

Disclaimer: I'm going to cheat and c/p most of the post from that guest spot onto here don't be too mad at me *grin*

Here goes:

I am NOT a cookier! Well, I am a cookier in that I EAT cookies…but I do not make cookies unless they come in a Pillsbury wrapper. Ha! I do, however, love to make things with sticks and string (aka knitting, crocheting, embroidery, quilting, etc).

I was introduced to Kim’s work through my friend Heather (she IS a cookier) who guest-posted here on the 12th. Kim was also introduced to my work the same way. And that’s when Kim practically begged me to do a guest post! (ok—not begged, but she did ask very nicely *grin*)

Kim told me she wanted to have all kinds of posts for Autism Awareness month not just cookies. So I thought about it for all of about 5 minutes and said, Sure, why not?

About 5 minutes after that, I thought, OMG. WHAT am I going to do?? So I went through a few ideas and finally settled on an embroidery pattern. So I whipped one up and that was that! YEAH RIGHT!! I honestly had no idea what I would and/or could design. But beyond that, what in the world was I going to write??

Well, by trade (I guess you could say) I am a behavior health therapist. I work mainly with adults, and I see some couples and even fewer children. My experience with Autism Spectrum Disorders is completely limited to what I learned in graduate school, which, quite frankly, is not a whole lot! Thankfully, there are therapists out there that do know more than me, and they choose to work with kids with developmental disorders. Those are some special people—both the kids and the therapists!

Now I could go through some of the statistics about Autism, but seeing as how this is the 18th of April, and I’ve read the other posts before mine, I know you’ve already seen all of those. So I’ve decided just to share the quote that is on the embroidery I did, because it sums it all up in a nutshell if you ask me.

Don’t underestimate persons with Autism,
try to understand.

Understanding—that is what kids with Autism need. That is what their families need. They don’t need judgment or ugly looks when their child “misbehaves” or doesn’t “act right.” They don’t need criticism for not being “good parents.” They don’t need insincere pats on the back or empty platitudes. They need understanding, compassion, and caring. Hopefully Kim’s month-long Autism Awareness guest blogs will inspire us all to be more understanding and compassionate.

Now, without further ado, here is my contribution to Autism Awareness Month. 

Thanks for stopping by!